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Haritaki Tablets


This supplement is ideal for digestive support & overall body nourishment. It improves bowel movement, detoxifies the gut, thereby keeping liver and digestion healthy. It also reduces the effects of aging and fights respiratory diseases. 

Amalaki Tablets


It is rich in antioxidants and is known to promote healthy eyes, nails, hair, and skin. It supports the gastro - tract with gentle internal cleansing.

Avipattikar Powder


Avipattikar is a combination of twelve excellent herbs used to balance pitta dosha and for soothing digestive issues. The supplement comforts the gastrointestinal tract by maintaining healthy acidity levels in the stomach and intestines.

Chandraprabha Vatika


Chandraprabha Vatika augments digestion related problems such as acidity and indigestion. It is known to have Balya (strength), Vrsya (aphrodisiac), and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties that help increasing strength. It helps to limit the accumulation of toxins and removes them through...

Nasya Oil


It helps to promote the cleansing process. Nasya Oil calms and preserves the nasal passage while nourishing the tissues. It assists in loosening tension in the head and relieving accumulated stress. Nasya Oil also enhances the quality of voice, sharpen...

Bronchial Support Herbal Syrup


Bronchial Support is a powerful immune-boosting formulation. This formulation supports strengthens and rejuvenates the respiratory system. Soothing syrup promotes bronchial support. Improve the healthy & comfortable function of the respiratory tract.

Shatavari Tablets


Shatavari is considered a reproductive tonic for women and men as it helps to maintain a healthy female reproductive system & helps in the production of semen. Shatavari supports a healthy immune system and has a cooling effect on the...

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