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Dhanwantaram Kwatham


Dhanwantharam Kwatham is indicated for all types of Vata Disorders, affecting the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. It can be used as a tonic during the postnatal period.

Chandraprabha Vatika


Chandraprabha Vatika augments digestion related problems such as acidity and indigestion. It is known to have Balya (strength), Vrsya (aphrodisiac), and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties that help increasing strength. It helps to limit the accumulation of toxins and removes them through...

Ashtavargam Kwatham


It helps to eliminate digestive issues; additionally, it has a property to manage elevated Vata & Kapha and gives relief in pain, inflammation, and stiffness of joints.

Aragwadhadi Kwatham


This formulation balances the aggravated Kapha dosha and is helpful in conditions like vomiting, diabetes, skin diseases with itching, ringworm infection, allergic dermatitis, & eczema.

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