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Healthy Pitta Tablets


Healthy Pitta is a calming blend of herbs formulated especially to balance pitta dosha without aggravating Vata or Kapha.It is a unique formula for the summer season to balance pitta. It helps to cool the system, helping the body to...

Healthy Bones Tablets


This supplement will help in the absorption of calcium. Ideal for people who want to promote & support bone growth. It helps to absorb calcium from the bloodstream and into the bones. Helpful to young developing bones as well as...

Haritaki Tablets


This supplement is ideal for digestive support & overall body nourishment. It improves bowel movement, detoxifies the gut, thereby keeping liver and digestion healthy. It also reduces the effects of aging and fights respiratory diseases. 



Haridrakhand is an ayurvedic herbal supplement used for skin diseases and allergies. It is highly beneficial in urticaria (chronic hives) and all skin disorders identified by itching and skin rashes. It is also helpful in blisters and fungal infections of...

Guggulutiktaka Ghritam


Guggulutiktaka Ghrita is a Vata pacifier in nature. It is being used for the management of bone issues and is beneficial for skin diseases as well.

Guduchi Powder


This herbal powder boosts the immune system, assists the break-up stagnation, and eliminates natural toxins in the body & calms the mind. Promote a healthy nervous system, and supports robust reproduction health.

Gokshuradi Guggulu Tablets


Support the precise function of the genitourinary tract, particularly the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. It detoxifies the urinary system and promotes healthy urinary composition. It helps balance all doshas, by calming Vata, soothing pitta, and reducing excess...

Gandharvahastadi Oil


Gandharvahastatdi oil is administered orally to address conditions because of the imbalance of Pitta and Vata. oral consumption provides relief from fullness and gas, abdominal discomfort, irregular bowel habits.

Dhanwantharam Oil


Dhanwantharam Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic oil used by expecting and new mothers. It gives relief from pain and fatigue and also boosts overall energy and immunity. It can be used from the seventh month of pregnancy for prenatal massage...

Dhanwantaram Kwatham


Dhanwantharam Kwatham is indicated for all types of Vata Disorders, affecting the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. It can be used as a tonic during the postnatal period.



Health supplements for improving immunity and longevity. It nourishes the weak and degenerating tissues. It is beneficial for alleviating cough and other respiratory ailments.

Chandraprabha Vatika


Chandraprabha Vatika augments digestion related problems such as acidity and indigestion. It is known to have Balya (strength), Vrsya (aphrodisiac), and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties that help increasing strength. It helps to limit the accumulation of toxins and removes them through...

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