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Balashwagandadi Oil


Balaswagandhadi Thailam is a rejuvenating and therapeutic ayurvedic oil. The rejuvenating qualities of the oil strengthen the muscles, tone the nerves, and improve nerve function. They are suggested for nervous conditions, muscular dystrophy, and debilitation.

Dhanwantharam Oil


Dhanwantharam Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic oil used by expecting and new mothers. It gives relief from pain and fatigue and also boosts overall energy and immunity. It can be used from the seventh month of pregnancy for prenatal massage...

Jiraka Arishtam


Jeerakarishtam improves appetite and digestive capacity. It gives strength to the stomach, liver, and intestine. Decreases gas formation, flatulence, bloating, excessive thirst.

Ashoka Arishtam


Ayurvedic tonic strongly recommended for the physical health and hormonal well-being of women. Anti-spasmodic qualities help in easing menstrual pain, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

Aravinda Asavam


It improves the immune system and provides nutrients to help the child's physical & developmental growth. It is a soothing preparation that helps to promote cognitive and learning skills.



Health supplements for improving immunity and longevity. It nourishes the weak and degenerating tissues. It is beneficial for alleviating cough and other respiratory ailments.

Tiktakam Kwatham


An excellent herbal product which helps in improving immunity within your body. It is also helps in blood detoxification hence useful in skin diseases & digestive systems.

Sahacharadi Kwatham


This herbal product is highly effective for managing issues related to aggravated Vata, such as muscle & bone pain. Effective in relieving the person from chronic conditions that are of lower limb and back pains.

Indukantam Kwatham


Excellent appetizer and digestant, which help to alleviate abdominal issues & provide strength and immunity by balancing aggravated Vata dosha.

Dhanwantaram Kwatham


Dhanwantharam Kwatham is indicated for all types of Vata Disorders, affecting the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. It can be used as a tonic during the postnatal period.

Ashtavargam Kwatham


It helps to eliminate digestive issues; additionally, it has a property to manage elevated Vata & Kapha and gives relief in pain, inflammation, and stiffness of joints.

Aragwadhadi Kwatham


This formulation balances the aggravated Kapha dosha and is helpful in conditions like vomiting, diabetes, skin diseases with itching, ringworm infection, allergic dermatitis, & eczema.

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